You need to complete a very simple registration form. Which contains all required contact information to enter in the donation process.
You can give blood at any of our blood donation venues all over the world. We have total sixty thousands donor centers and visit thousands of other venues on various occasions.
The donation process from the time you arrive center until the time you leave
You need to complete a very simple registration form. Which contains all required contact information to enter in the donation process.
A drop of blood from your finger will take for simple test to ensure that your blood iron levels are proper enough for donation process.
After ensuring and passed screening test successfully you will be directed to a donor bed for donation. It will take only 6-10 minutes.
You can also stay in sitting room until you feel strong enough to leave our center. You will receive awesome drink from us in donation zone.
I proudly donate blood on a regular basis because it gives others something they desperately need to survive. Just knowing I can make a difference in someone else’s life makes me feel great!
I have been a donor since high school. Although I have not been a donor every year, I always want to give to the human race. I love to help others! Moreover it gives a real peace in my mind.
I wish I could tell you my donor how grateful I am for your selfless act.You gave me new life. We may be coworkers or schoolmates or just two in the same community.I'm very grateful to you.
Campaigns to encourage new donors to join and existing to continue to give blood.
Every year, on 14 June, countries around the world celebrate World Blood Donor Day. The event serves to thank voluntary.
O Negative blood cells are called universal meaning they can be transfused to almost any patient in need and blood cells are safest.
Many people has same blood group like you. so donate now and bring smiles in their face and encourage others for donate blood.
You're the real hero because you can gift a new life for patient.So donate your blood and enjoy a precious life. Don't fear, it's really easy.
Campaign photos of different parts of world and our prestigious voluntary work
The sponsors who give their valuable amount to fulfill our mission.
Latest news and statements regarding giving blood, blood processing and supply.